Monday, January 23, 2012

Music Corner!

Hey ladies, check out Miley Cyrus's new song featuring Johnzo West!

What do you think of her new simple style?  Does anyone out there have a song or lyrics of there own?? Don't be afraid to share~


Friday, January 13, 2012

The Boy's Corner: What every girl should know

You can feel your face getting red and you are tugging down on your shirt or twirling strands of your hair. He says something and you laugh, not quite sure if what he even said was funny. Then he pushes you, flirtatiously, and asks you a question.

You laugh, again and say something stupid, something you'd never really say.  You are wondering if he thinks you're cool or pretty or if he'd rather be talking to the girl you sit next to in class. Everyone's looking at you because everyone knows you like him, but does he know? You're not sure.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Well... if you've ever talked to a boy, I'm sure you've felt with a whole lot of mixed feelings. So, let me step in and provide some tips for you on how to talk to all different types of boys.

The "Cool" Boy 
Everyone knows him, most girls have crushes on him, he has a bunch of friends, and is totally involved in school. He always dresses well and is actually smart! The thing is, he is super friendly to everyone so if he talks to you or flirts with you, you aren't sure what that means. So what do you do?

The "Shy" Boy

He's super nice, always on time to school, has a cute smile, dresses kinda cute, but hardly ever says a word to anyone besides his two best guy friends. Whenever a girl asks him a  question, he answers and walks away. You don't really like him like that but you think he would be a cool friend, how do you start talking to him?

The "Artsy-Fartsy Musician" Boy

This guy is totally cool but rebellious, always dressing in a funky kind of way, doodles on his homework, and doesn't care if he gets in trouble for listening to his iPod. You suspect he may even have a tattoo ... or at least you know he is dying for one! He seems so interesting and you just love his hair style! How would you even go about talking to this guy?

The "Jerk"
He's a trouble-maker in class but everyone seems to think he is cool. He
doesn't really treat girls well and usually makes fun of people but then says he is "only kidding." The thing is, he is kind of nice sometimes and seems like he has a good heart. How do you make sure he is nice to you?

The "Sweet' Boy
Every school and every class has one... the boy who always says hi to you, who gives you his extra pen if you need it, the one you talk to about anything, and is so easy to hang out with. He is simple, normal, and actually really funny. But how do you get him to notice you in a different way if you starting liking him?

Girls, the list could go on and on... there are so many different types of boys out there and they can drive us crazy, intimidate us, or make us fall in love with them. I know it is super important for you to feel confident in talking and hanging out with these guys so let me show you great tips on how to do just that.

Tip #1: Do things that make YOU happy. 
If you are sporty, girlie, artsy, or anything in between... OWN IT. The worst thing you can do is try and BE someone you aren't. If you are silly, creative, shy, or even awkward... let yourself be that. Doing things that make you smile builds up your self esteem and spirit and can give you the confidence to talk to boys. It will also allow them to see that you have your own hobbies, own interests, and own activities that actually make you A LOT more attractive.

Tip #2: Getting guys to "like" you shouldn't be a competition with other girls.
I bold this one because it is the most important! Just because you see another girl talking to the boy you like, it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Boys are free to talk to whomever they want and you are free to do so too. Stay away from girl-drama and if your crush is talking to someone else, well its your opportunity to make a new guy friend. The chances are... more guy friends you make the more likely it will be that one of them likes you!

Tip #3: Be honest. 
The worst habit you can create is to try and make yourself look better by lying about the things you do, say, act, wear, or have. Never base friendships or relationships with ANYONE on lies. Be authentic and be truthful. Lying is downright ugly and in fact, the more you do it, the more people will just stop liking you because they won't ever be able to trust you. Who wants a liar as a friend or girlfriend?

Tip #4: Boys are just as nervous to talk to you as you are to talk to them. 
I hate to say it but you are at the age where you are actually just starting to learn how to talk to boys and people. It's hard because you have so many feelings about what to do and how to do it. Just know that you will say weird and awkward things, you will at times be nervous, or feel totally stupid. But thats OKAY! Boys will also be the exact same way and I can bet my entire life on the fact that YOU intimate them more than the other way around. Having courage and the guts to talk to whomever you want whenever you want will only help you in the future. People aren't scary and boys are simple. Ask questions, talk about similar interests and give friendships/relationship time to develop. 

Tip #5: Smiling is the best way to get people to notice you. 
The more you surround yourself with positive people and do things YOU like doing,  the better you feel about yourself and the more you will smile. Smile to boys when you pass them in the hall way, say hello to them or when you mistakenly make eye contact. I promise that smiling makes you seem warmer, cooler, and less intimating.

The truth is that is doesn't matter what kind of boy you are interested in or how awesome you think they are. What matters is if you are able to push through all of the nerves, intimidation, and self consciousness and be bold and courageous. The more you train yourself to be courageous the easier talking to boys and people will be.

You can do it, I totally believe in you!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Before you make a decision read this...

If you are going to steal, steal peace.

If you are going to make fun of others, be prepared for others to make fun of you.
If you are going to smoke, smoke someone in the race to success!
If you are going to take a shot, take a shot of wheat grass.

If you have to lie for others to like you, find other people to hang out with.
If you think wearing provocative outfits or getting drunk will make guys like you, you will attract a total LOSER!

"I LOVE YOU" are not just words. I LOVE YOU are meaningful actions.

Make-Up Lounge

Hi there girls,

One of the best parts of growing up is trying on make-up and skin products! But here is what you don't know. A lot of makeup that you buy from drug stores, although inexpensive, can actually be terrible for your skin and can cause unwanted acne and blemishes!

Here are some ingredients that you can find on your actual makeup product to definitely watch out for:

  • synthetic binders, fillers, emulsifiers, thickeners
  • cortisone, tar, phosphates
  • mineral oil, paraffin, lanolin, petrolatum, PVP/VA copolymer, DEA, TEA, MEA
  • alcohols, formaldehyde, acetone
  • alpha and beta hydroxy acids
  • preservatives, parabens, ureas, propylene glycol
  • sodium laurel or laureth sulfate, ammonium laurel or laureth sulfate
I know that's a mess of weird and shocking words but think about it... those ingredients should NEVER go on your face. 

If you must, the best thing to buy at your local drug store are eyeshadows, mascaras, eye liners, tweezers, eyelash curlers, and lip sticks but go to the beauty and cosmetic stores like Mac or Sephora to buy foundations, blushes, and BRUSHES! It might be a bit more expensive, but save up to buy one new piece of make-up a month. Soon enough, you will have an entire vanity full of great makeup that is actually healthy for your skin. Here are a few brand names for skin care and cosmetics to use on your face.




Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Helpful Links!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, that means it's time for a new look! Here's a link to help you find it! Just remember the golden rule girls: LESS IS MORE! Let your natural beauty shine! Click here to watch! 

Here's another link you all will love! From Head-to-Toe


Monday, January 9, 2012

Must Haves for January

#1. Must Have: A new book!
Check out this Youtube video on, 99 Things Every Girl Should Know!

#2. Must Have:  Mac's Cool Pink Lip Gloss! xo

#3 Must Have: A nude color scarf to keep you warm!

#4 Must Have: A pair of funky earrings to liven up your attitude!

#5 Must Have: A healthy but delicious snack that you can fit into your bag or purse!

A Girl Knows Best

Dear Girls,

I can ramble on and on about what I think affects young girl's now-a-days but I want to hear it from you! What are the challenges YOU go through and how do you think you can over come them? Post anything, even if a challenge is trying to keep your room clean! I'd love to hear it all!